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27.Tashita M., Tschistjakov Y.A., Ono A. The diversity of butterfly communities in Southern Primorye // Trans. Lepid. Soc. Japan. 1997. Vol.48, № 3. P.171-187.

28.Wilson E. O. Biodiversity. Wash., DC: National Academy Press, 1988. 521 p.

29.Yodoe K. Butterflies and Nature in Primorye, Russia // Sukashiba, 1992. Vol. 37-38. P. 10740. (in Japanese).

30.Yodoe K. The butterflies of Russian Primorye Territory // The Nature and Insects, 1993. Vol. 28. №6. P. 8-13. (in Japanese).

31.Yodoe K. The butterflies and Nature of the Russian Primorye Territory 1992. Matsue. 1996. 175 p. (in Japanese).

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